Real Property Management Three Rivers

Winterizing Your Home

 1. Change furnace filters- Replace filters once a month during the winter, because a dirty filter can reduce air flow and increase energy demand.  You may want to think about a permanent filter which will cost more but may reduce allergens in your air more efficiently.

 2.Winterize you’re A/C and your water lines.  Drain any outside hoses or air conditioning pipes.  Make sure all outside spigots are turned off and any water leaks corrected. Remove any window air conditioning units to reduce any drafts.

 3.Turn down your water heater and flush out sediment.  Lowering your hot water heater to 120 degrees can reduce your energy by 6 to 10 percent.  Also sediment can collect over time in your hot water heater which reduces the efficiency.  Flush the water through the drain valve to clear out material and ensure that it is working at top capacity.

 4. Install storm doors and windows. Then simple act of installing a storm door can increase efficiency by 45%.  You may also want to look into a window insulation film which will reduce loss of heat.

 5. Clean your gutters.  This will make sure that water is flowing freely in the gutters reducing icicles from forming.

 6. Clockwise ceiling fans.  Having your ceiling fans moving in a clockwise direction pushes warm air from the ceiling towards the floor which will make the room warmer.

 7. Insulate. For maximum heat retention, pack insulation around basement doors, windows in unused rooms, and attic floors.

 8. Programmable Thermostat.   You can save up to 1% on your energy bill for every degree you lower your home’s temperature.  Save money when you’re not home by programming the thermostat with lower temperatures.

 9. Caulk it. Any gaps in windows, siding and doors can be filled with caulk.